Talk and event at Ealing Library for Black History Month

Black History Month continues…

This Black History Month there are a wide range of workshops, talks and screening to attend for everyone, from individuals, young people and family workshops. Continuing on from the series of event picks for Black History Month, we highlight some of the best for the week ahead.

Already off to a busy start with craft workshops for children and young people, learning about important black figures in history, to the I Am She film premiere, directed by young people from Bollo Brook Youth Centre, screened at the V&A Museum .

Black History Month is a great opportunity to get involved, have fun and learn more about black history, culture and heritage. Highlights for next week include a selection of free workshops, a storytelling session and talks.

Ancient Kingdom of Benin, a free workshop for the whole family, explores the Benin kingdom, one of the oldest and most highly developed states in West Afrika, to be held at Ealing Central Library on Tuesday, 25 October at 3.30pm. Taking place across Ealing libraries, on 25 and 26 October you can Meet a Roman Centurion, a retired centurion who has settled in Londinium recounts stories of the city and army life.

Taking place at Ealing Central Library on Thursday, 27 October at 5.30pm The Forgotten Tull Brother. Paul Vasili is in conversation with Volton Lee, where they share the story of mixed heritage dentist and NHS pioneer, Edward-Tull Warnock. Also don’t miss out on Joy James’ storytelling session, where she will focus on Amazing Black Inventors, for children and young people at Ealing Central Library, Friday, 21 October at 11am.

The main highlight for the week ahead is the unveiling of two plaques to mark the abolition of slavery and the contribution the Windrush generation has made to Ealing’s community. The re-dedication ceremony will take place at the especially arranged tropical gardens at Walpole Park in Mattock Lane, Ealing. The unveiling will take place at 2pm and everyone is welcome to attend.

Later in the month, keep an eye out for a conversation on heritage and statues with SI Martin and a look into stories of the Windrush generation and how their children passed the time, when journeying on Empire Windrush from different parts of the Caribbean to London.

See full booking details and listings below:

Ancient Kingdom of Benin, Exploring Afrikan History
Tuesday, 25 October, 3.30-5.30pm, Ealing Central Library

This free family-centred session will focus on the ancient Benin Empire, which was one of the oldest and most highly developed states in the coastal hinterland of West Africa. The session will include a fun quiz, spoken word and Q&A to explore the beginnings of the ancient Benin Kingdom, how the name Edo became associated with Benin (with Akuba storytelling of The Leopard and the Viper), how myths, art and other forms of material culture help us to understand why Ancient Benin, and especially its Obas, were so important, plus unpack how the Benin royals and merchants encountered other traders, travellers and invaders using the poem, Benin Encounters: When We Ruled. There will be an opportunity for participants to create trading objects such as sculptures from tin foil. All welcome – no booking required.
Ancient Kingdom of Benin – Exploring Afrikan history

Meet a Roman Centurion this half-term (KS 1 /2, aged seven upwards)

Tues, 25 Oct, 11am, Acton Library
Tues, 25 Oct 1:30pm, Ealing Central Library
Wed, 26 Oct, 11am, Northolt Library
Wed, 26 Oct, 1:30pm, Dominion Centre Library

Marcus is a retired centurion and has settled in Londinium. He talks about the city and also something of his army life. He has some old equipment from his time in the army and he might even get you marching.

Unveiling of Windrush and Abolition of Slavery Plaques
Wed 26 October, 2pm, Walpole Park (tropical gardens), Mattock Lane

The unveiling of two separate memorial plaques will take place at the tropical gardens at Walpole Park, Mattock Lane, Ealing during Black History Month. Community members and local dignitaries will participate in a re-dedication ceremony, by placing two separate memorial plaques in an especially arranged tropical gardens at Walpole Park in Mattock Lane.

The Abolition Plaque commemorates the Slave Trade Act 1807, when the British Parliament passed an Act making the trading and transportation of slaves’ illegal. The Windrush Plaque marks the contribution to the London Borough of Ealing of the Windrush Generation; men, women and children who arrived in the UK from the Caribbean, from 1948-1971, invited by the UK government.
All are welcome to attend, please arrive at Walpole Park for 2pm.

The Forgotten Tull Brother – Edward Tull-Warnock
Thurs, 27 Oct, 5.30pm, Ealing Central Library

Find out more about another member, but largely forgotten member of the Tull family, Edward Tull-Warnock, Walter Tull’s brother, who was one of the first mixed-heritage dentists in Glasgow. In discussion with Kolton Lee, Phil will explore the Black Atlantic histories of a 19th Century Bajan migrant through the prism of the biography of his son, Edward Tull-Warnock, one of Glasgow’s first mixed-heritage dentists, an NHS pioneer and accomplished sportsman. Phil Vasili was born in London but grew up in Cambridge. He now lives back in Kentish Town, London very close to where he was born. He has written biographies of Walter Tull, Arthur Wharton as well as a novel Felt and Batten. In addition to writing, he also scouts in London for a northern premiership club. Kolton is a former editor of The Voice and a writer who has worked across all the major storytelling platforms: he is an award-winning filmmaker (writer and director), with two independent feature films under his belt.
The Forgotten Tull Brother – Edward Tull-Warnock

Amazing Black Inventors
Friday, 28 October, 11am, Ealing Central Library

Come and meet 16 amazing black inventors and find out about their inventions. This book is a great introduction for very young children to discover the wonderful world of invention and creativity, with marvellous role models and exciting stories to pique their interest. Beautifully and imaginatively illustrated throughout to help inform and inspire young minds.

Joy James is a local author who writes non-fiction children’s books. She is currently working on a series about black inventors for different age groups. Her fourth book, Amazing Black Inventors, has just been published in celebration of Black History Month in the UK and is aimed at ages up to five. Further books include Brilliant Black Inventors (aged up to five), 101 Black Inventors and their Inventions and Another 101 Black Inventors and their Inventions for upper primary and lower secondary school ages.
Amazing Black Inventors – a storytime session with Joy James

Statues: Past, Present and Future
Thursday, 3 November, 5.30pm, Ealing Central Library

How can statues, municipal signage and street furniture be made fit for purpose in the 21st Century? Should public monuments to slave traders and imperialists continue to have pride of place across the capital or is a complete review of them necessary or desirable? Join heritage consultant SI Martin for a look at the changing roles, functions and profiles of London’s monuments.
Statues past, present and future

Passing the Time through Rhythm and Rhyme on the Windrush
Tuesday, 8 November, 4.30-6pm, Ealing Central Library

Already delivered to more than 800 Ealing students, this workshop uses an ice-breaker quiz, storytelling, poetry, a map-reading activity, arts and crafts and Q&A, and Windrush generation interviews to explore real and imagined stories of what children and young people did to pass the time while journeying on the Empire Windrush from different parts of the Caribbean to London. You will go back in time to discuss the ring and clapping games children used to play Back Home and how they have been transported to the UK and become part of our playground lives today. There will also be an opportunity to include a garden-themed activity to generate some interest and background in relation to the Black History Season Abolition and Windrush Plaques unveiling event that takes place 2-5pm, on 26 October at Walpole Park.
Contact Akuba (Grace Quansah) via for any more info.
Passing the time through rhythm and rhyme on the Windrush

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