With less money to spend on services we have no option but to change the way the council works and how services are delivered. Therefore, as a council, we have agreed to focus our work in order to best look after the borough’s interests. We have decided on nine areas that will drive and inform our priorities. This programme is being called Future Ealing.
You can read more about Future Ealing by viewing pages six and seven of the October edition of Around Ealing magazine.
Even with the savage austerity cuts that have been forced on us I am confident that Ealing has a bright future. I know that we are luckier than many other areas. Ealing is a fantastic borough that is a great place to live and somewhere I am proud to call home.
Nevertheless, we will continue to lobby government for a fairer share of funding for Ealing and a national solution to the social care crisis that is threatening our financial stability.
And we will continue our efforts to grow our way out of the financial crisis by strengthening our local economy and encouraging new investment in the area and its infrastructure. This has already brought with it much needed homes and jobs. We are working as hard as possible to ensure that as many of these homes are affordable and that we help provide people with the skills they need so they can progress in their choice of career.
![Council leader Julian Bell](https://ealingnewsextra.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Julian_Bell_Full-name-signature-web-300x140.jpg)